Shabbat at Chabad
Friday Night Live Shabbat Experience!
Friday nights at 7:30pm (winter 6:30pm) Lively Kabbalat Shabbat services with singing and dancing, followed by a delicious home-cooked meal and Bracha's famous Challah! All students welcome! Shabbat Morning Services Saturdays at 10:30am Join your fellow Cal students for a weekly Shabbat morning service and Torah reading, with Rabbi Gil's insights on the weekly parsha! Shabbat Kiddush Lunch Saturdays at 12:30pm Enjoy a delicious bowl of hot cholent, lots of other great food, singing and meaningful discussions! |
"Shabbat in Israel" Series
Select Friday Nights
Listen. Learn. Love. Live Your Land!
Listen. Learn. Love. Live Your Land!
Gourmet Kosher Cooking
Join us for a lesson in the Art of Gourmet Kosher Cooking!
Learn to braid fancy challah & take home a free sample! Yummy!!!!
Learn to braid fancy challah & take home a free sample! Yummy!!!!